I offer talks, keynotes, and workshops on “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” and “The Soul of Selling”

Photo of Carol Costello

"Writing as a Spiritual Practice"

How can writing bring us closer to the Divine—whether we’re creating poetry, fiction, a blog, a journal, letters, or ad copy? And how can we open ourselves to divine inspiration whenever we write? Like many spiritual practices, writing teaches us to pay attention, to clear our emotional field, and to turn our eyes toward the Divine. It can put in the path of grace, give us the means to express our deepest thoughts and feelings, and bring us great joy.

When we intentionally use writing as a spiritual practice, we can go beyond all the “monkey mind’s” nattering and whining into that peaceful, energized, creative, clear, spontaneous and joyful place we sometimes call the Zone. Then all that’s left is that glorious, silent space from which creativity flows.

This workshop is a time of community, appreciation, and expansion. We focus on:

  • Resting in the Divine as we give expression to the human

  • Gently releasing old blocks, fears, and distractions

  • Practical tips and finding new inspiration

"The Soul of Selling"

This presentation is based on my book The Soul of Selling: How to Get Outstanding Sales Results with Honor and Ease.

Sharing the Soul of Selling method with audiences in keynotes and workshops is a joy. I love showing people how to relax into their own selling “sweet spot” and move into a more powerful relationship with selling. When you have a proven way to keep your enthusiasm high, your relationship with buyers warm, and your sales goals met every time, you naturally enjoy selling more—and so you get even better at it.

My message is that you can guarantee extraordinary sales results, and at the same time serve others and feed your own soul with personal meaning, higher purpose, and generosity of spirit. I talk about the honor and joy of selling, and show audiences how to become a force of nature, whether they are new sellers or old hands. I believe that selling is a high calling—and I’m inspired by the courage, grit, and boundless enthusiasm of people who sell from their hearts. I strive to bring that inspiration to audiences, focusing on the bottom line while entertaining with humor, passion, and compassion.

Praise for Carol's Speaking

“A lot of people have helped me with sales over the years, but the biggest breakthrough is Carol Costello’s The Soul of Selling book and presentation. She spoke recently at our Spirit and Work Conference, and I cannot over-recommend her.”

—Pat McHenry Sullivan, Founder  Spirit and Work Resource Center

“It’s a joy to watch this material in Carol’s hands. People soak up new skills, beam with enthusiasm, and then go out there and get results they never thought possible. They get the results they want, and at the same time inspire trust, loyalty, and productive action in their teams.”

Tom LeNoble, Senior Customer Service, Executive/Coach

“The Soul of Selling jump-starts sales forces. They produce more because they know how to honor themselves and their profession, as well as their prospects. They have more staying power, more results, and more fun.”

—Murray Thompson, Ph.D., Consultant to Fortune 100 companies

“Under One Roof operates a retail store that is a fundraiser for 35 non-profits. We use over 100 volunteers as our sales force and have developed a sales training program using the principles outlined in The Soul of Selling. This brings the actual practice of selling into a human realm that supports our mission and lets people enjoy the work.”

—Howard Thornton, Retail Director, Under One Roof

“Carol gets people excited about selling, and helps them do it in their own natural style. She ignites that mix of enthusiasm and personal power that makes for happy people with great results.”  

—Scott Montgomery, Senior VP, Geographic Expeditions