Jump-start your creativity at my day-long retreat on “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” at beautiful Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, on Sunday, October 5, 2014, 10-4. Lunch is included. Registration closes 9/30, so grab your seat now at http://preview.tinyurl.com/nd547vn.

Here’s a taste of what we’ll do:

How can writing bring us closer to the divine—whether we’re doing poetry, fiction, a blog, a journal, letters, or ad copy? And how can we open ourselves to divine inspiration whenever we write? Like many spiritual practices, writing teaches us to pay attention, to clear our emotional field, and to turn our eyes toward God. It can put us in a place to receive grace, give us the means to express our deepest thoughts and feelings, and bring us great joy.

This retreat is back by popular demand, and will include more time to write, share, and explore. We’ll also delve more deeply into subjects like: “Flushing Out the Mental and Emotional Gunk.”

Many of us hesitate to write down anything negative, even in our secret, password-protected journals. I take just the opposite approach. The best place for my gunky, negative, self-limiting thoughts is not in my mind or emotional field—but on a piece of paper or in a Word file.

When I wake up on the wrong side of bed, feel overwhelmed, succumb to confusion, or am just a mess, I open that journal file and write until I feel better and clearer. It hurts nobody, and helps me. Then I can get on with the real writing I was meant to do that day.

For more on writing as a spiritual practice, visit my website at www.carolcostello.net.



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