When we use writing as a spiritual practice, our connection with the divine gets stronger, and our writing gets both better and easier.

The job of a good spiritual practice is to get us beyond our “monkey mind’s” nattering and whining, into that peaceful, energized, creative, clear, spontaneous and joyful place we sometimes call the Zone.

It’s a matter of “out with the old, in with the new.” When we dissolve what’s in the way, all that’s left is that glorious, silent space from which creativity flows.

Some ways writing can take us beyond monkey mind are:

  • Exercises designed to calm the confusion and complaining: journaling, morning pages, free-writing
  • Writing our way out of trouble with such exercises as “Cry and Write,” “Dumping Ground,” “Healing Pages,” and “Clarify the Chaos”

When we’ve mollified the monkeys, we can put ourselves in the way of grace. We can practice the presence of the divine as we write, which is not only great fun but makes our writing an effortless joy.

We will discuss and practice all this and more at “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” on March 22, 2015. All are welcome, and bring your friends to enjoy the day. The workshop is 10-4, and lunch is provided.



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