don't want to writeSome of my best and most enjoyable writing has come when I didn’t even want to sit down at my desk, let alone turn on the computer. I was tired, or cross, or confused, or just oatmeal-brained—but something was due, so I sat down and did it anyway.

Those writing sessions often became incredibly pleasant and productive, much to my surprise. How could this be?

Bottom line, who knows? But since forces beyond my ken seemed to take over, slide me into the Zone, and deliver great copy—and because I am always on the hunt for ways to avoid discomfort—here are some guesses…

  • Maybe I didn’t expect much from myself, took the pressure off, and that relaxation (oh yeah, and stepping out of my ego for a few seconds) allowed the Zone to catch me. Sometimes I think the Zone is constantly looking for us, casting about with a huge etheric arm to snag us, and only our own resistance to ease and our insistence that we are the ones doing the writing keep it at bay.
  • Maybe writing is just an inherently creative, and therefore fun, activity–and the very act of doing it jollied me out of my bad mood or mental fatigue.
  • Maybe it was just dumb luck.

I don’t think that “Just do it” is a universal solution—but when it comes to writing, it may be a good guideline. Whenever I’ve sat down and just done it, I’ve been less likely to let my ego slime all over the process and more likely to hope (maybe even ask) that something bigger take over.

Once I actually start typing and the words begin to flow, I’m humbled and grateful for whoever or whatever is doing the work.

When I’m really smart and really lucky, I remember to apply this lesson to life as well.


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